
Inquiries about AREA products and services

Go to the inquiry page

Request a catalog

Receive a free catalog and reference materials by filling out the catalog request form below.
(For corporate customers, please apply from corporate customer support.)

Go to the catalog request form

Consultation about custom furniture, and interior coordination

AREA provides a consulting service for made-to-order wall storage/furniture/fixtures, and interior coordination for newly-constructed and renovated houses. Schedule your visit from here.

Go to the consulting form

Customer support

Current users of AREA products and customers that have ordered them, please use this form.
From ordering to delivery

Go to the special form for customers

Corporate customer support

AREA provides services for corporate customers. Please feel free to contact us.
Corporate customers

Go to the special form for corporate customers

Inquiries by phone

0120-055-181 Hours 11:00-19:00 (closed during the year-end and New Year holidays)